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Meeting Recorder

The OpenTalk Controller has the ability to establish communication with the OpenTalk Recorder and initiate recording sessions. This interaction between the OpenTalk Recorder and the OpenTalk Controller is facilitated through RabbitMQ.


To activate the recording functionality, it is necessary to configure the recording_task_queue setting within the rabbit_mq section. Without this configuration, the controller will not possess the capability to commence recording sessions.

The section in the configuration file is called rabbit_mq.

In addition to the configuration file, keycloak needs to be configured to allow the recorder to access meetings.

Keycloak Configuration


The Keycloak user interface changed in the past and because of that it's safe to assume that it will continue to change moving forward. Instead of screenshots we describe what needs to be done, and link to the Keycloak documentation where needed. These links reference a specific version of Keycloak. If those settings are outdated, please refer to the Keycloak documentation archive and find the corresponding section there.

The recorder requires access to the controller API. For that we need to create a client inside keycloak and configure the recorder with the client secret. The client has to be assigned to the opentalk-recorder role to gain access to the controller API.


The following configuration needs to be changed in the configuration file of the recording service.

issuer = "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/OPENTALK"
client_id = "Recorder"
client_secret = "the-client-secret"
  1. Create an OpenID Connect client.
    • The Client ID will be used in the field auth.client_id of the configuration field (e.g. Recorder).
    • Enable Service account roles in the Capability Config.
  2. Create client credentials.
    • Use the Client Authenticator Client Id and Secret .
    • The Client secret will be used in the field auth.client_secret of the configuration field.
  3. Set the correct issuer URL in auth.issuer
    • Replace the domain and realm placeholders with your specific values: http://<KeyCloak domain>/auth/realms/<OpenTalk realm>
  4. Grant the Recorder-Client access to the Controller API
    • Create a realm role with the id opentalk-recorder
    • Assign the role to the service account of the recorder client

Controller Configuration


The following configurations needs to be changed in the configuration file of the controller.

Disabling Recording Capability

If you wish to disable the recording capability for the controller, simply refrain from setting the recording_task_queue parameter in the configuration file. Here's an example configuration without this setting:


# Other RabbitMQ settings ...

#recording_task_queue = "opentalk_recorder"

Enabling Recording Capability

To enable the recording capability for the controller, configure the recording_task_queue parameter. This parameter should be set to the same value as used for the recording process itself. Here's an example configuration that enables recording:


# Other RabbitMQ settings ...

recording_task_queue = "opentalk_recorder"