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Message Queue (RabbitMQ)


The section in the configuration file is called rabbit_mq.

FieldTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
urlstringno"amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672"The RabbitMQ broker URL connection
mail_task_queuestringno-Name of the RabbitMQ queue for the SMTP-Mailer
recording_task_queuestringno-Name of the RabbitMQ queue for the recorder
min_connectionsuintno10Minimum connections to retain when removing stale connections
max_channelsuintno100Maxmimum number of AMQP channels per connection allowed


With Mail Worker Queue

mail_task_queue = "opentalk_mailer"

With All Configurations

url = "amqp://username:password@host/%2F"
mail_task_queue = "opentalk_mailer"
recording_task_queue = "opentalk_recorder"
min_connections = 10
max_channels_per_connection = 100