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When the recorder gets started, it loads the configuration from the environment. It reads the settings in this order:

  • Read environment variables which have a specific name, see section Environment variables.
  • Load from a configuration file which defaults to config.toml in the current working directory.

Sections in the configuration file

Functionality that can be configured through the configuration file:

Environment variables

Settings in the configuration file can be overwritten by environment variables, nested fields are separated by two underscores __. The pattern looks like this:



Some settings can not be overwritten by environment variables. This is for example the case for entries in lists, because there is no environment variable naming pattern that could identify the index of the entry inside the list.


In order to set the auth.client_id field, this environment variable could be used:


Example configuration file

This file can be found in the source code distribution under extra/example.toml

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: OpenTalk GmbH <mail@opentalk.eu>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2

# Note:
# The Recorder client must be a service account
# with the _service account role_ "opentalk-recorder"

issuer = "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/MyRealm"
client_id = "Recorder"
client_secret = "INSERT_KEY"

domain = "localhost:11311"
insecure = true

uri = "amqp://username:password@localhost/%2F"
queue = "recorder"

# Development:
# Always to stream to an extra display sink for monitoring
#type = "display"

# Static RTMP streaming, for testing purpose
#type = "rtmp"
#location = "rtmp://localhost:1935/live/$room live=1"
# optional RTMP fields
#audio_bitrate = 96000
#audio_rate = 48000
#video_bitrate = 6000
#video_speed_preset = fast