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Shared folders on external storage systems

This feature allows to create shared folders on external storage systems. The following systems are supported:


When the shared folder is enabled, a folder per meeting room can be created when the meeting is configured, and shared with other participants during the meeting.

Creating a shared folder for a meeting

A shared folder can be created for an existing meeting room. The procedure is:

  • A folder is created on the configured external storage system.
  • A read-write share for the folder is created with a random password. The corresponding link and password will be available to participants with moderation permission only.
  • A read-only share for the folder is created with a random password. The corresponding link and password will be available to all participants.

Deleting a shared folder from a meeting

When deleting a shared folder from a meeting, this procedure is performed:

  • The read-only and the read-write shares are deleted.
  • The folder is deleted recursively, including all files that it contains.

Accessing the shared folder during a meeting

If a folder exists for a meeting at the moment when it is started, the signaling messages will contain the information required by a client to show the link and the password.

A participant with moderation permissions will see the link and the password for the read-write share, whereas a participant without moderation permissions will see the link and the password for the read-only share.

If a participant is assigned moderation permission during the meeting, they will receive an update message with the read-write link and password. When the moderation permission gets revoked, an update message with the read-only link is sent to the client.


A NextCloud instance can be configured through the configuration file.

Configuration fields

The section in the configuration file is called shared_folder, and it knows these fields:

FieldTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
providerstringyes-Must be "nextcloud" when using the NextCloud provider.
urlstringyes-The complete URL of the NextCloud installation.
usernamestringyes-Username of the account that is used for logging into the NextCloud service.
passwordstringyes-Password of the account.
directorystringno""Path to the directory on the server where shared folders will be created.
expiryuintnonot setIf set, the shares will be created with an expiry of that value (number of days), otherwise the shares will not expire.

Example configuration

Example section inside the configuration file with the shared folder configured for NextCloud:

provider = "nextcloud"
url = ""
username = "exampleuser"
password = "v3rys3cr3t"
directory = "opentalk/meetings"
expiry = 48

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