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HTTP server

The OpenTalk Controller provides its service to clients through a built-in HTTP server.

Services provided:


The section in the configuration file is called http.

FieldTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
addrstringno-IP address or hostname to which to listen for incoming connections
portuintno11311TCP port number where the HTTP server can be reached
tlsTLS configurationno-When present, the HTTP server will use TLS, when absent it will serve under a plain connection

Listening address

By default, the service will accept requests on both the IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces if either a hostname is set for addr, or if no addr value is set at all.

The exception to this rule is "::0" which will bind to both the IPv4 UNSPECIFIED address and the IPv6 UNSPECIFIED address at the same time, accepting requests on any address for both protocols. If the operating system provides no IPv6 support, or the service should not bind to an IPv6 interface, "" can be used instead, which will only bind to the IPv4 UNSPECIFIED address.

A hostname or fully qualified domain name will bind to whatever the name resolution returns, either one or both IP protocols.

An explicit IPv4 or IPv6 address, will bind exactly to the corresponding IP protocol.

TLS configuration

FieldTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
certificatestringyes-Path to the file containing the TLS certificate in DER-encoded x.509 format
private_keystringyes-Path to the file containing the private TLS key in pkcs8 format


Plain HTTP on all addresses

port = 80

Plain HTTP on localhost only (IPv4 and IPv6 if available)

addr = "localhost"
port = 80

Plain HTTP on an IPv4 address

addr = ""
port = 80


port = 443

certificate = "/etc/ssl/certs/"
private_key = "/etc/ssl/keys/"

HTTP over TLS on an IPv6 address

addr = "2001:0DB8::1337:DEAD:CAFE"
port = 443

certificate = "/etc/ssl/certs/"
private_key = "/etc/ssl/keys/"