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Administration guide for the OpenTalk Obelisk SIP bridge

General information about the service

Interaction between OpenTalk Obelisk and other services

Services required by OpenTalk Obelisk

Resource Requirements

To ensure maximum compatibility with SIP-enabled devices, Obelisk composites the conference into a single audio and video stream. This process involves decoding the video of up to nine participants and compositing them into a single video stream, which is then encoded and sent to the callee.

Currently all encoding and decoding of video streams is done in software requiring a rather modern CPU.

Requirements per audio-only participant

On an Intel i9-14900K system, Obelisk used 0.2% CPU load and about 25 MiB of system memory for a call with a single SIP devices to a conference with 5 participants talking at the same time.

Requirements per video participant

On an Intel i9-14900K system, Obelisk used 6% CPU load and 400 MiB of system memory for a call with a single SIP device (sending and receiving video at 1080p@30FPS) to a conference with 9 other participants who had their camera enabled.